Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Jingle Balls

Most of the heavy duties for the week are done and I don't go back to work until next Monday. Now is the time to settle in and reflect on my year and get ready for Christmas. I've actually been inexplicably buzzing with the ye olde holiday spirit for about a month now, trying to find the perfect gifts for the people who matter to me. I feel a little jittery tonight - probably coming down from a sugar high after munching on Christmas cookies at work - but mostly happy. For the next several days, I am going to attempt to relax (at least as much as I ever do) and only do things I will enjoy and that will mean something to me. I'm working on a blog about Christmas movies that I will post at PBZ tomorrow, editing a few other items and I hope to get some time to read, look over my French and go to the gym. I'm also itching to bake something and have been wanting to try to make biscotti for awhile now, so maybe I will look into that. And of course, I have the first of the AFI movies, Citizen Kane, to watch and write about. Yes, this is me relaxing. Heh.

 Aside from feeling like I managed to get everyone a little something they will like, I have also received many lovely gifts from family (and friends who are, after eleven years or so, also family). It made me feel really cared for. My sister sent me comfy shirts from Newport News and my long-time friend, Charity sent me a ton of movies and music downloads, a glimmery silver bag I'm in love with and a card-making kit.

And my brother and sister-in-law in Portland sent me homemade cookies, jams and salsa!

Anyway, the weather has been much more winter-like lately. When it's new, white and fluffy, I'm rather fond of snow. On my way to the gym, I took this picture that I really like of the snow as seen through a gate. There are lots of beautiful moments and visions I'd like to make still and keep - things I see when we take the dogs for long walks daily. I wish I could manage it more.

I'll be back soon with some new update, but for now there is dough to roll and kolaczkis to make. Happy holidays to everyone who happens by my teensy blog! And have a magical new year!

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