Monday, October 6, 2008

.turning into something else.

Have I really not updated since August? Now we are in the month of October and it's technically fall, though the weather seems unable to decide what it's doing. I'm constantly sidetracked from things I mean to do, I guess.

Let me see...what has happened since last I wrote? Well, Kathy and I have seen a couple of plays recently. I really like going to these kinds of performances and it makes me wish that I took more advantage of the fact that Chicago is a city full of theaters. First we went to see Neo-futurist Sharon Greene's funny, honest Fake Lake which was performed at, in and around the Welles Park swimming pool. It was pretty damned brilliant. Also Kathy's friend's husband wrote a play called Busted City and we went to see that at the Prop Theater on Elston. It's an authentic look at what Chicago was like during the election of Harold Washington - dealing with racism, sexism, and homophobia (all of which are as alive today as they were then, I'm sure).

I've also been re-working the end of my book in hopes that a stronger ending will be more attractive to agents. At least that's the nicely-put version of why I am doing it. However, the fact is that the ending still feels rushed and the more I read it, the more I am uneasy with it being the way it is. I want to have this done before the beginning of November, though, because I am going to try to participate in NANOWRIMO this year.

I've also been reading a great deal and I seem to have developed a nice routine of a chapter (at least) before bed each night. I started a GoodReads page to try and log every book I can remember reading in my lifetime, too. Feel free to add me. It's kind of addictive.

I've gotten behind in my YMCA-going routine because of all the things I've had to do each week, though I am still managing to go at least twice a week. I see my therapist every week, but I feel as if I have less and less to talk about -- which should be considered a good thing, except that I think it's more that I am having trouble with articulation than anything. I've been pretty tired latelywhich is probably contributing to me feeling dull and having less to write about. Hopefully I can get a grip and change this soon.

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