Thursday, October 4, 2007

thing 3 and random update

Ok, I used GoogleTalk to locate someone I knew online. I have used IM programs before -- AOL IM, Yahoo Messenger and MSN Messenger. I've had access to ICQ before, too, but that was forever ago (i.e, I still lived in North Carolina with parents and shared a computer with my younger brother). I already had a YouTube account, too. There probably isn't too much online that I haven't done before, though I am 100% up for new things. I like IM as a mode of communication. For one thing, it means I get to talk to people back in North Carolina in real time without having to call them on the phone. I am somewhat phone-phobic, which is why I love chatting. I think maybe I will use GoogleTalk again, and soon. Come say hello to me if you see me on. ;)

In other news:

I just updated my livejournal with a couple of reviews. Nothing polished, but oh well.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how to organize the many blogs I have on the Web. I think I may be ready to give up Livejournal for the most part, in favor of a multi-purpose blog to showcase my writing at Blogspot/Google. I will, of course, keep my account to keep up with friends and post to notify of my entries elsewhere. And Myspace will be my personal journal online. And of course, the writing group site and blog will remain the same.

I also have been reflecting more on the name of this blog and I really like it, what it stands for. I feel that I should be doing something to give it more purpose, and I think the best thing to do would be to challenge myself to take more risks in my life. Push myself past my socially anxious self to become more, and document my progress here.

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